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SC Portal – intranet portal for company management

SCPortalApplication SC Portal is modular solution of intranet type which enables the company to manage selected inner processes – showing work and costs of commission work, management and workflow of vacations and business trips, management of assets, work cloth or personal security aids.


About application SC Portal

Basis of the solution SC Portal is web application connected to central database which is used for administration application, browsing and work with data etc. Application is available from web browser and doesn´t require installation any specific clients. Application consists of moduls which are fully independently functional. Central dials of the portal (e.g. list of employees, centres or orders) is possible to manage directly in application or load from company ERP system. Native connection to ERP system Helios iNuvio is possible. We can also make connection to other systems on the basis of specific demands.


Main functionalities of particular moduls


Management and evidence of assets, work cloth and safety work aids:

  • Clear evidence of every piece of assets, work cloth or safety work aids including it´s clear assignment to particular employee, centre or location
  • Fast and precise inventarization of assets through the agency of mobile readers of RFID trasponders
  • Equiping employees with required work aids depending on their profession
  • Easy workflow enables e.g. asking for assignment of new work aid or work cloth, repair of current ones etc.
  • In case of using labelling with RFID transponders - providing protection of assets against stealing using control gates


Showing costs on commissions:

  • Evidence of commissions including their tree structure in case of bigger projects
  • Determining plans of personal, material and other costs on particular commissions
  • Evidence of worked hours by days and their showing on commissions
  • Modul combines function of simple attendance system (where employees fill worked hours) and instrument for worked timer evaluation on particular commissions
  • Showing material and other costs on commissions
  • Comparing and evaluation expected costs with real costs on commissions


Management of business trips and holidays:

  • Input of business trips and holidays
  • Evidence of fellow-travellers, trip parts, free provided food, using of business cars
  • Automatic calculation legislatively fixed demand on food allowance based on inputted data
  • Approving of business trips and holidays by user-defined workflow, including possible deputies and mail notifications
  • Printing of business trip reports and holiday requests

